Confirmed cases in the last 5 days: 0
Hennepin County Positive Case Rate: here
Current level: 0
Regarding the latest CDC recommendations and the current covid rate in Hennepin County, wearing masks at Notre Ecole now is optional.
11/04/21: Plan your child’s COVID-19 Vaccination
11/04/21: How to Get Your Child Vaccinated for COVID-19
11/03/21: COVID-19 Vaccine for Children and Teens
09/01/21 : MDE released a Back to School Family guide.
2021-2022 COVID-19
Safety Plan
Notre Ecole remains committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all individuals who enter our building. The following guidelines make up our safety plan. This plan is subject to change based on recommendations or requirements.
Learning Model: Students will remain in in-person learning Monday-Friday unless distance learning or hybrid learning is warranted by either wide-spread school contamination or a lack of staff on site due to contamination with COVID-19. The current Learning Model will be announced on the school website. Any changes to the learning plan will be announced as soon as possible.
Health Checks at Home: All families should check their children for signs of illness before leaving home to come to school. Families should keep all sick children home. Siblings must also stay home if your child has Covid-like symptoms.
Safety Practices: Cleaning and disinfecting will be provided to reduce the potential of the virus on surfaces. Notre Ecole will provide hand hygiene and masking wearing education to students and staff.
Busing: Students must wear masks while riding on school buses.
Physical Social Distancing: Schools will implement physical distancing whenever feasible. Per the MDH, children should not be excluded from in-person learning or care in order to maintain physical distancing.
Plan level 1
Masking: Face masks will be required for all students, staff, and visitors present in school buildings regardless of vaccination status. Masks are not required outdoors at any time.
Mask Exemptions will be accepted with documentation from a physician. Alternative face coverings (face shields...) are expected in this case.
Quarantine: Students do not need to quarantine if exposed to someone with Covid-19 in their class. Individual students will need to be isolated if they develop any Covid-like symptoms after the exposure. Students or staff are required to be off campus for 5 days or until they have received a negative test result (test must occur on day 5 or later).
Distance learning will go into effect for students in quarantine.
Plan level 2
Masking: Face masks will be required for all students and children between the ages of 5 and 12 in the school building, during school hours regardless of vaccination status. Masks are not required outdoors at any time. Face masks are encouraged but not required by staff and adult visitors in the school building.
Mask Exemptions will be accepted with documentation from a physician. Alternative face coverings (face shields...) are expected in this case. Face Masks are encouraged but are not required by staff and adult visitors in the school building.
Quarantine: Students do not need to quarantine if exposed to someone with Covid-19 in their class. Individual students will need to be isolated if they develop any Covid-like symptoms after the exposure. Students or staff are required to be off campus for 5 days or until they have received a negative test result. (test must occur on day 5 or later).
Distance learning will go into effect for students in quarantine.
Plan level 3
Masking: Face masks are recommended for staff, students and adult visitors in the school building.
Quarantine: Students do not need to quarantine if exposed to someone with Covid-19 in their class. Individual students will need to be isolated if they develop any Covid-like symptoms after the exposure. Students or staff are required to be off campus for 5 days or until they have received a negative test result (test must occur on day 5 or later).
Distance learning will go into effect for students in quarantine.
Threshold to move from a level to an other one:
To move from level 3 to level 2: Hennepin county positive case rate is at 50/10,000 or higher and there are 3 confirmed positive student COVID cases among staff and students in the school building within a 5 day timeframe.
To move from level 2 to level 1: Hennepin county positive case rate is at 50/10,000 or higher and there are 5 or more confirmed positive COVID cases among staff and students in the school building within a 5 day timeframe.
Once Notre Ecole reaches level 1 or 2 of the COVID plan, the school will return to level 3 only after a 5 day period of no student or staff COVID cases in the school building.
Face masks are required on student transportation. This is a federal requirement and not a rule under the authority of the school district.
If you have questions, please email
CDC and MDH recommend all unvaccinated school-age children returning to school to get tested throughout the school year.
Testing has never been easier – you can visit a community testing site, order an at-home test kit, or get tested through your health care provider. All options are quick and free to you.